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Avocado's Secrets - Avocado- Hellas

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Planting of new seedlings, Planting distances, Planting, Planting quality and quantity, Avocado Fertilization, Spraying, Pruning, Fruiting, Avocado varieties and much more ..

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New Plant's Import from Avocado Greece

Avocado plants trees Import from Spain
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Higher tolerances in water & soil salinity.
Greater tolerance to pathogenic avocado diseases. Specifically, it shows increased resistance to pathogenic soil diseases.

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Avocado standard crops: H. Avocado Hellas is an import company for the wholesale and distribution of tropical and subtropical plants and seedlings. It concerns producer investors who want to invest in new innovative high-yield commercial crops.

Η avocado Hellas introduces seedlings and plants produced by the innovative process of propagation of clonal subjects in nurseries in Europe.

Our main goal is the introduction and responsible distribution of seedlings and clonal seedlings, mainly avocados of very high productivity (80 kg per tree during adulthood), free and very resistant to disease.

All our imported saplings are accompanied by a European Phytosanitary certificate, while for the plants that are under the protection of a trademark, a certificate of payment of the amount of the judgment (Royalties) is provided.

The certificate that accompanies the complete details of the grower and the exact with geographical coordinates planting area.

In order to fully ensure the producer both in terms of high production and to protect it during the sale and export of its production from patented varieties in Europe, it is required:

The certification of cultivation license from patented varieties of high productivity.


This also ensures the producer from any claims and protects him from the parent company and the controls of its representatives in Europe who will soon be in Greece for relevant inspections first in packaging plants and in cultivation areas.

The products – plants – trees

Avocado Hass / Fuerte European Nurseries

Clonal Rootstock Duke 7 Avocado Hass 

Avocado Hass with Phytosanitary Certificate
. Medium resistance to low temperatures
. Medium resistance to avocado diseases
. Patented rootstock
. Productive course 30 years
. Strong root system
. Early production from the second year
. Higher production 10% -20% comparing with the  local varieties Hass
. Climatically adapted 12 months
. Price 18.90 euros + VAT
. (quantities immediately available)

Clone Avocado DUKE 7
. High resistance to low temperatures
. High resistance to avocado diseases
. Phytosanitary Certificate
. Patented rootstock
. Productive course 30 years
. Strong root system
. Early production from the third year
. Average production similar with the local Hass varieties
. Climatically adapted 12 months
. Price 24.90 euros + VAT
. (limited quantities available)

Clonal Rootstock Dusa Avocado Hass 

Clonal Rootstock Toro Canyon Avocado Hass 

Clone Avocado DUSA
. High resistance to salinity
.Medium resistance to low temperatures
.High resistance to avocado diseases
. Phytosanitary Certificate
 . Patented rootstock
 . Productive course 30 years
. Strong root system
. Early production from the third year
. High production comparing with the local Hass varieties
. Climatically adapted 12 months
. Price 26.90 euros + VAT
 . (limited quantities available)

Clone Avocado Toro Canyon
. High resistance to cold
. Medium resistance to salinity
. High resistance to avocado diseases
. Phytosanitary Certificate
. Patented rootstock
. Productive course 30 years
. Strong root system
. Early production from the third year
. High production comparing with the local Hass varieties
. Climatically adapted 12 months
. Price 29.90 euros + VAT
. (limited quantities available)

Avocado plants imported Spain trees with patented hybrid

Criollo Michoacano & improved variety HATE

The underlying avocado Criollo Michoacano comes from the Michoacan region of Mexico. It is an improved variant of the TOPA-TOPA variety that has been and still is one of the best avocado seeds to be used as the subject of new avocado plants.

This improved variety Criollo Michoacano, ensures:

  1. Higher tolerances in water & soil salinity.
  2. Greater tolerance to pathogenic avocado diseases. Specifically, it shows increased resistance to pathogenic soil diseases, such as Phytophthora cinammomi, and fruit type fungi Rosellinia necatrix approaching the strengths of Duke 7 / Dusa / Toro Canyon clonal subjects)
  3. It ensures a significant improvement of the production having achieved productions of avocado fruits more homogeneous frame with larger diameter fruits of very delicious high commercial value.

To improve the variety Creole Michoacano have been used for more than three decades plant materials from different varieties of avocado trees in combination:

Such as

  1. The Nachar Hybrid (Israel).

The Nachar Hybrid makes avocado trees very hardy unsalted while ensuring enough high drought resistance

  1. Antillean plant material was also used (West India)

The Antillean Hybrid (West India) which gives high production potential to the crop 10-20% more than conventional avocado tree subjects. It also provides resistance to pathogenic soil diseases, such as Phytophthora cinammomi, and Rosellinia necatrix fruit fungi.

In addition to the crosses that have been applied to the Criollo Michoacano hybrid for a period of 30 years, to the new plants before inoculation a hardening technique is performed. and control of the resistance of the young plant.

Specifically, conditions of thermal stress and water stress are created, which consists of exposure of the plant without protection during both the Winter and the Summer period. For at least 6-7 days the young plant remains in water (flooded) while then remains without water for 7 consecutive days. This way you become much more durable and harden in extreme situations.

The subject of the Michoacano Creole hybrid presents improved and highly productive fruits in the top commercial HASS variety.

The Hass variety provides high quality fruits with a long shelf life both in the tree and in its harvesting and handling. The specific fruits / fruits of the subject Hass Criollo Michoacano gives:

  1. Possibility of maintenance and disposal after harvest for another 2 months.
  2. Allows long-term transport even by ship in case of export
  3. The graft used in young plants comes from adult trees on a farm of 100 hectares of very high yield over 80 kg per tree.

Therefore all young trees as they mature will produce homogeneously large Class A fruit calibers.

In terms of flowering begins in September – October while the fruits and berries of HASS Criollo Michoacano begin to grow from the end of December-January with a period of full growth of 6-7 months. Full fruit ripening for optimal levels of avocado oil fat is provided in late March with the possibility of remaining in the trees marginally until June.

This fact gives competitive advantage of a high producer price quality Hass avocado fruits due to high demand and limited off-season production compared to the standard commercial variety Hass.

For the proper development of avocado trees and the absorption of soil nutrients important is the PH of the soil to have values ​​between 6-7 points. The subject imported from Spain Criollo Michoacano of variety hate has endurance of production dynamics with ph ground up to 7.80 degrees

It is therefore to imported from Spain subject Criollo Michoacano of variety hate a unique investment choice for growers – farmers who look to the future with planning and responsibility.

Videos from Malaga Spain

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The secrets of growing a tree in a nutshell

Planting new seedlings – plants

The planting of new seedlings – avocado plants is important to be carried out mainly in early spring and alternatively in early September, provided that it is favored by the climate. At the same time during planting it is necessary to strengthen the planting soil with organic soil conditioners such as organic matter Compost , or well-to-do manure.

Cultivation frames. – Planting distances

The recommended planting distances for standard cultivation of the Hass variety Criollo Michoacano because the trees are dynamic and fast growing they are for medium to high planting density is 5 x 4. That is about 50 trees per acre. While for high density planting 3 × 4 meters and about 83 meters per acre.

It is important that they are pruned regularly after 2.5 years and beyond. The trees should not exceed 4 meters to facilitate their collection and as a compensation is proposed their lateral growth in the form of “open pine”.

Pollination of  plants – trees

Flowers and pollination
A mature avocado tree can produce over a million flowers during the flowering period, most of which fall without producing fruit. The purpose behind the massive boom is to encourage pollen visits. In Crete and in Greece in general, a European bee successfully undertakes pollination.

The avocado has a “full” flower, but with an unusual behavior known as “primary dichotomy”. The avocado flower has functional male and female organs in one flower, but opens and closes twice in a period of two days – the first day as a functionally female and the next as a functionally male. Each opening stage lasts only about half a day.

Planting 2 varieties ( Type A and Type B ) on the farm for the better pollination

Irrigation water quality without salinity

Good quality water without salts

Avocado trees are generally demanding in terms of their need for water and the quality of irrigation water.
The critical stages of avocado, in terms of irrigation needs, are:
• The flowering & fruiting period.
• The period of fruit formation & development.
• The ripening period of the fruits in order to avoid fruit fall.
The water it contains is considered suitable for irrigating avocados chlorine salts less than 100 ppm (mg / l).
For new plantations, the average daily summer irrigation needs are defined by 4-8 liters per tree in the first year and from 80-150 liters per tree in the fourth year.

The thresholds and ceilings of the quantities necessary for the rational use of irrigation water in developed trees are set at 600 to 700 sq.m./acre/year. Short intervals of irrigation positively affect the size of the fruit and increase the concentration of oils in the fruit. See more information

Fertilizer – Fertilizers

What are the fertilizer requirements? avocado; The nutrition of avocado plants is determined by the composition of the soil. That is, we fertilize to cover any nutritional deficiencies in the soil, so as not to directly supply the tree with its nutritional needs. Avocados need nitrogen, primarily a little zinc

Recommended Organic Potassium Fertilizer. Ideal for intense flowering, juicy, rich fruits for a great harvest in avocado crops. POTENTIAL FERTILIZER.

During flowering and fruiting in Spring and Autumn, organic potassium fertilizer is recommended. See more information

Foliage Spraying and Fertilization.

The application of foliage fertilizers is sometimes promoted as an effective means of providing nutrients to the avocado. Various products are marketed as nutrients for avocados, some proponents even suggest that their products eliminate the need for nutrients applied to the soil. This article briefly reviews the literature on avocado foliage nutrition and examines the anatomy of avocado leaves and flowers in relation to nutrient intake.

During flowering, spray with a solution of zinc sulfates

Useful tips

If the avocado fruit has black spots and dryness on the skin of the fruit. This benefits the thrips insect

What are thrips?
The word thrips refers to a large group of insects of the order Thycanoptera.
What do you see
Because thrips have toxic substances in their saliva, you may see deformities in the shoots or flowers or fruits of the affected plants.
What can you do
Spray the plants with ecological insecticides, such as potassium soap (summer pulp) or pyrethrum plant extract. biological spray with natural natural pyrethrin solution

Avocado fungal infections

Avocado fungal disease is herbivorous / Due to poor drainage it affects the root system and gradually dries the tree.

Tree pruning. When do we prune the avocado?

The pruning of avocado is done after the end of the harvest and after the frosts of Winter to keep its height and shape for easy harvest

When pruning avocado trees, remember this: Always prune on purpose and avoid over-pruning or over-pruning avocado trees. Also keep in mind that what works for one tree may not work for another – pruning should be done on a case by case basis, as there are no two avocado trees.

Avocados have a long harvest time and are harvested gradually.

Avocado fruits remain hard when ripe on the tree and soften when cut.

Young avocado trees are sensitive to temperature and need to be protected

Especially in the summer months it is necessary to paint the trunk and its branches with ecological plastic paint

and spray the foliage with zeolite or kaolin

Standard Crops and Nurseries in Spain

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Avocado plants delivery  from Spain to our nursery in Chania Crete Greece

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About Avocados

The tree of  avocado   scientifically named as (  Persea americana  ) is a subtropical plant that is considered to be from the South Central Mexico and is classified as a member of the family Lauraceae flowers.

The fruit of the plant also called avocado (or  avocado pear  or  pear alligator). Described botanically the fruit as a large berry that contains a single large seed – seed.

Avocados as agricultural investment considered for markets as commercially valuable. The cultivation thrives in tropical and Mediterranean climates around the world.

Its fruits have a green surface (skin) smooth or textured while the body (the inside of the fruit is fleshy and buttery. The shape of avocado may be pear-shaped, egg-shaped or spherical.

The fruits usually ripen after harvest.

The avocado trees are partially self-limiting and often multiplied through grafting (graft) or pollination for maintaining a good quality and adequate amount of fruit

The avocado tree can reach a height of 20 meters, with foliage sized leaves 12-25 cm (4.7-9.8 in). The blossoms that give avocado fruit is inconspicuous, greenish, 5-10 mm width The fruit of the avocado is a pear-shaped and have a length of 7-20 cm. Their weight range weighs between 100 and 150 grams while the kernel (seed) has a length of 5 to 6.4 cm

Botanists, the fruit of avocado like as berry a seed (a seed), due to the large endocarp of.


The avocado tree is a subtropical species needs to thrive a warm Mediterranean climate without frost and with little wind. The high winds reduce the humidity, dehydrate the flowers of avocado and affect pollination. When this happens, even a mild frost may appear premature ripening of the fruit. The exception is the selection avocado HASS which can tolerate temperatures down to -1 ° C.

The trees also need well aerated soils, ideally at depths greater than 1 m.

The yield of fruiting and growth is reduced when the irrigation water is highly saline. These soil and climatic conditions are available mostly in the regions of Western Crete and especially the Western Chania (Agia Vatolakos, Patelari etc.)



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Avocado-nutrition-diet-Europe-Greece- benifits

Avocado is an excellent food, filled with nutrients, many of which are missing from the modern diet.

Securing weight loss is helpful for heart health and very good taste.

Our products


Hass avocado tree in a flower pot

Original price was: €33.00.Current price is: €25.00.

Hass avocado tree in a flower pot

The largest commercially produced variety with excellent taste and oil content.
Green fruits turn black when ripe, with recognizable pebble skin.
Fruit size 10-12 oz.
Produces from April – September, an extremely long period.
Large tree, frost sensitive to 3 θερμοκραF temperatures
Type Category A


Hass avocado tree in a
flower pot

The largest commercially produced variety with excellent taste and oil content.
Green fruits turn black when ripe, with recognizable pebble skin.
Fruit size 10-12 oz.
Produces from April – September, an extremely long period.
Large tree, frost sensitive to 3F temperatures
Type Category A

Plant dimensions Hass avocado tree in a pot

These trees, measured from the top of the root, have a height of 1.80 meters and 2.20 meters high, with a trunk diameter between 2 cm – 3 cm.

Within a month of delivery we suggest you move to a larger pot / pot (25 cm -30 cm “) or plant it directly in the ground. Eventually, avocado trees will thrive even more productively when planted in the ground.

Like citrus, avocado trees value well-ventilated soils that retain moisture and are also well drained. Provide full sun, regular watering and good drainage to keep the tree in good condition and productive.

Conditions for growing a hass avocado tree

Full sun at least 8 hours a day

Hass avocados are self-fruiting and require a type B tree to pollinate them. The yield of hass (has) avocado fruits will increase with other varieties of trees or flowers and / or bee-friendly flowers.

More info for the avocado tree / hass plant in the pot in the following link



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avocado, Nutrition health benifits Avocado, Crete, Avokado Chania prices 2019, 2020, 2021 cultivation,avocado, Nutrition health benifits

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